The weather just keeps getting better here, maybe it took two winters with snow and cold to start to appreciate the summer sunshine, but I seem to all the more this summer. It is the summer of something big...
I have secured the apartment that I wanted and I am pleased. it is very nice and only a few blocks from work in the centre of the city. It isnt cheap but it is nice. Penthouse views and a private elevator with a glass atrium for a dining room and a great new kitchen.
I am still feeling unsettled and missing a home. I won't be able to move in for a 5 weeks sadly but now I can get all my residence papers organised etc.
Summer is coming and work will start to dry up. I am on salary so they have to fill my time, but the downside is that it could be utter crap that they fill it with. I won't know until it happens.
My new apartment was rented with a reason, aside from the people that are coming to visit me, I want to invite more. So consider yourself welcome!
My idea of starting my own school is persistant. I keep looking at the organisations I work for and see so many things I can learn from them, like how to be organised. They are completely hopeless.
I need a dose of home - I don't think I can afford to go back to Australia in December - so I think I will have to consider going in the shoulder period.
I am not going to be able to buy furniture for a long time - there will just be no money for it.
Good news for all things French - I am off to France on Monday for a bit of a jaunt with the boys from school. I got a cheap cheap train ticket and I will be off to discover the border towns. So I look forward to seeing the sights and sounds.
I went to lunch today with my Saturday morning students and we went Japanese. a glorious day filled with fun and laughter. Japanese food is great!
Love to my peeps. Obi Won Kenardly cope with the wonderfulness of life - I am smiling wide kids!!