Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sunday Night Realisations

A quiet sunday and the grey dull sky hung heavy with clouds. But for me I was in some bubble detached from the world, I felt free and elated, dizzy and content. It felt like an afternoon stolen from the world that was just mine.
After a week apart from Penny Century we met and talked calmly and argued and resolved our issues. More to the point, we knew both our lives were changing in the next 4 weeks and we could spend them apart of together. We chose together.
Like with anything, when you can see the end of something you start to appreciate the little things, cut swathes of cloth for the mental scrap book to turn to when the times turn hard, or loneliness turns it attention to you again. So I have my scissors and my mental polaroids recording the sights the sounds the smells and the sensations of being here now. I guess you could say a life is ending. But definitely. Certainly. A new one is beginning!


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