Monday, December 03, 2007

brewing storm

Well I know I don't often put smiley face news on here, maybe I am just a glass half empty kinda guy when I write... live with it.
There is a storm brewing and its coming from work...
My boss after all this year of working in the EU project has decided that I cannot supervise the oral exams for all the classes I have. No reason given to me and he actually got another teacher to tell me, (coward!) The students have been preparing for the oral exam are even excited that I am chairing this, because i am really the only person qualified to do this. Tho my mysterious boss says otherwise.
I asked the venerable and wise uncle Chuck, an english teacher here in town that also works for my boss indirectly about the decision, as this affects him too. He was rather gruff and blunt with his answer and said, "Hey, its his bat and ball he can do as he likes... You take this job far too seriously." He went on to call our boss a mercenary cowboy with a touch of the double standards to boot. After thinking about the many small things that I have witnessed over the past year I would say that I have lost a healthy chunk of respect for my boss and really have to consider whether I continue with him or not.
The other side of the coin could be that he has no intention of hiring me for any part of next year and his secretive nature that has developed over the past 3 months compounds my instinct that he well throw me to the wolves at the end of the month. In fact he has told the other Polish teachers to give exams in December, effectively cutting my wages and contract by 2 weeks. The official ending is supposed to be in mid January.
The result is that I am looking for other employment. I have a few friends rallied to search the nearby region (150km) for another school that I can go and work in. not quick enough for my liking but I am keen to get in contact and have a solid plan B...

Plan O-Bee


Blogger mariah said...

well, you gotta set those negative thoughts free at some point, might as well be in here. i often write things out to sort through them/go through my emotions (well, not that often anymore). so keep on writing, obi-wan!

9:17 pm  

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