Saturday, November 17, 2007

Now and Then

Hello Dear reader!
This week has been getting colder and colder as you would expect, not much on the snow front but quite a bit of fog in the morning and evenings.
It seems Penny has some Pull in this here town, I got into see a good doctor and had a Ultrasound on my stomach all within a day and a phone call. I was rather impressed. Tho the outcome isn't so fab, seems I have a kidney infection on top of kidney stones - so I have double the fun. I have a bwillun pills to take and I am going okay. Lets hope it is all a memory by Christmas...
The car is going well and I am learning how to manage the beast in cold weather, I am yet to buy snow tyres but I will next week. there has been no real snow to worry about so I am in the clear.
The computer problem seems to be finally clearing up, I did all the recovering I could do and then formatted the external hard drive. my comp is working real slow but seems to be operating okay - just.
Work has 5 weeks left and I will be free for 2 weeks holiday. Penny is off to Ireland for 2 weeks at Christmas so I won't see her at all. I am disappointed but not surprised. I always find myself alone at Christmas. ...and to be honest I think I prefer it now.
I heard about the Vancouver RCMP thugs tasering the Polish immigrant to death coz some idjut got trigger happy. I lived in Vancouver as many of you know and I always found Canadians to be a warm and mellow bunch, that ideal has been shattered. all of my students today where quite upset while talking about it. I watched the video on YOUTUBE and I was disgusted. I would expect LA cops to act this way but not the well trained and usually restrains RCMP. Looks like I will have to watch my P's and Q's when I next visit Vancouver.
Penny has been a real gem but I am finding it hard after so long alone to let someone do anything for me. She is very obliging and wants to make me food and bring it over and such and I know this is lovely and sincere but I am unused to it and quite uncomfortable but it I explained to her and I think she understands. She is good like that.
Well Poland won against Belgium tonight and are now in the championships - quite a historic event I am told...
I need to send off some emails to some dear friends I have neglected this past year. Stefano and Serena, congrats on the immigration application! I hope it goes smoothly - coz it sure won't go quick!


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