Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Blue Angel!

Well Ladies and Gentlemen. It has happened. All bad things run in threes we say, and so they do.

  1. my car broken down and now is repaired.
  2. My new whiz-bang External Hard drive chucked a wobbly and scrabbled all my files. My WORK files. So I bought software to recover these and I have recovered only 25% if these precious pearls! This problem is two fold, The laptop has been worked like a dog for 16 months and is badly overheating often and automatically shutting down when it hits critcial temperature. I also think it is cracking under the strain I put it under. So it isnt burning files reliably anymore and the CPU is likely cactus... So new laptop maybe the answer. I do have a loan from the office of a work laptop, but it isn't mine and so installing files isn't ideal.
  3. My Sony Ericsson 750i is just on dead, the joystick is broken and I often can't retrieve messgaes or send em or anyfin! So I need a new phone, but what to buy? Maybe I should go to the city to a Media Markt store and look around, it is a one stop electronics shop...

At the end of the day it is aaaaaaaall money.... Damn and I wanted to save some...

The Angel Of Death and the Blue Screen Of Death are the saaame thiiing!

Obi on the ropes but still on the ball...


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