Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Stress & Disturbing Dreams

I have had a lot on my plate this last week or so, lots of stress and impossible situations, not of my making but up to me to fix. Enough to make me want to quit.
This morning I woke up after a dream about an old friend I have not spoken to in 14 years. His new bride didn't like me at the time so I was quickly disposed of as a friend. Quite disappointing really. In the same dream standing near him in a restaurant I also saw the lost and hurt visage of another person I lost recently, in this dream something also beyond my control had happen and affected her, and she didn't believe that it wasn't my fault, nor when the truth presented wanted to forgive me. Quite an interesting theme running through my sleeping and waking life.
Saint Nicholas day is next week and I have to buy small gifts for a number of people. I hate the idea, but when in Rome do as the Romans do.
I read a blog a few weeks ago and someone else is stressed by an impossible situation not of her doing. Changing the minds of an entire family and pulling them all back into a big happy group is not something I think can be done. NOT because she is incapable, simply because people will not be changed. Sadly I believe this will meet with extremely limited if any success, but after 20 years of trying she may see that it was never possible, realise she isn't to blame and never was and forgive herself. But until then it will dominate her every fibre. Her intentions are saintly, I wish her well...

Bless her.


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