Monday, March 24, 2008

Post Easter

Another has come and gone and I must say this one was much nicer than the last. I went to a friends parents house for traditional lunch and we ate and ate for hours - 3 courses and vodka to the eyeballs, we spoke german all afternoon, good practice for me. I was exhausted from the eating and then we went out. At 9pm we were in the local bar and looking at all the folks that post easter dinner had let out to play. I had a dance and a few beers, but I knew my limit and finished the night with water rather than pickling myself, as I saw my friends do. Oh boy!
I met up with 2 gorgeous women I have known for ages, one was a student and the other a friends friend. Ah beer googles were not needed, generally I will say confidently that Polish women are absolutely gorgeous. So I was in heaven (exhausted heaven), I heard my inner bell go off and I stood up said my goodbyes to the blurry eyed and walked home 2km in the light snowfall. Home by midnight and a hot shower and bed saw me swiftly to la la land.
Today saw me up early - much to my regret, fed the freak in the cage and then dawdled around for a while. Went to lunch at my friends house and I had convinced her I could do wonders at great speed for her thesis in linguistics. She was genuinely shocked on how much we got done and how quick I was. So next week we will tackle another few pages and hopefully I will have her well on her way for her deadline in 8 weeks. Its more about enthusiasm and motivation than anything else... Came home and redid a resume, which has become a habit for me in the last few months. I am happy to help people with resumes in English, infact I am quite good at them.
Chatting away tonight online and emailing - thinking about watching something before bed but find myself thinking about this winter and my need for sunshine. I hate snow.

Obi - lovin giving to people...
I - Obi...