Thursday, March 27, 2008

14 daze to go...

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, the countdown says that it is less than 14 daze to go until I put the cases in the car and sojourn across this great nation (thank god its FLAT) to the border of Germany and into the wild blue yonder of being a German resident.
I hear a great many things about germany - that its tough to re-register a car, that the taxes are high and the insurances are expensive... I hear all the negatives. If anyone out there wants to tell me the positives about living in Germany Please leave a comment!
The 'reluctant ex' picks up her hamster tomorrow and laptop - which I could not fix - (she forgot the power cable) and I have told EVERYONE about my party. So now all that is left to do is finalise the packing arrangements with my cleaning lady (rather gorgeous 20 year old girl actually - doesn't speak English) a time she can come and spend 2 hours cleaning. I know I am lazy. But I do have the plausable excuse that I have a kidney stone and vigorous work such as cleaning hurts. and 10 dollars for 2 hours cleaning is, in my opinion, a good deal.
I have been reading about the phenomenon of WEB 2.0 the last few days and it is interesting. Some of my students are IT guys so it is relevant. But most students from a TINY town (world) can't see the value or sift through the abstract to see the HUGE benefits of it.
The thing about teaching in such a tiny town is that no one has ventured outside this microcosm much to be able to enrich this place beyond the mundane. I can appreciate the small town life (FOR A WHILE) but I just can't imagine living here and revelling in the utter lack of variety or ignorance about the wonderful world outside. I am stained with the the many travels I have had and that just won't wash out, even after 15+ months.
I am pleased my boss has found a last minute replacement. I found one for him too - albeit a shabby one and I networked and found him a NATIVE SPAINISH speaker teacher and this well expand his business a lot. Well ya never know... Curious - previous to living in Poland all vodka's tasted alike to me, but now, I have sampled a few, I can really appreciate the good from the bad.
I know I am leaving behind the prettiest girls in Europe, and for me that is a good thing. I will be able to concentrate on WORK and my new studies in my economics degree that I have started. The topics for the classes I have seen seem silly. I have been writting MBA papers for the last year and anything less I am confident won't be much of a challenge.
It is amazing to me how much I have learnt in the last 15+ months. Not just about buiness concepts and practice but about myself, life, teaching and everything. So a good time has been had. Albeit lonely and most of it missing an English rose. but we all have our memories and those quiet moments we like to live in them... ( I'm off now to reminisce about the one big love....)
Peace to da Obi coz da Obi say peace!


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