Saturday, February 02, 2008

Sunset always bring out the most beautiful colours

I had a huge night last night. far too much vodka and I really don't like feeling that out of control. But a successful evening quite nice friends and I got home in one piece. I had a shocking hang over tho.
My car is not working again, no surprise there my friends Chris and I towed it to the mechanic and I will discover the bill on Tuesday, maybe it was the petrol pump - it was on its way out.
Some sad but expected news today in my mailbox but I can't feel anymore sadness, I am all out, I feel guilty that I feel relieved, relieved that the hole in the boat called me has plugged its leak and now I can work on becoming seaworthy again. The many revelations from this email will roll out in time. Though I hope I didn't lose a reader! They are so hard to keep... Obi


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