Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sundaze With A Cherry On Top

It's Sunday again and thankfully I have the house to myself. I now know why I have such bad sinus headaches here, it is because the heating in this apartment building is centrally controlled and radiates from the water pipes in the living room and bathroom. Now this may be normal to some of my readers but for me it is a new thing. The saw dust (cleaned up) from last weekends window replacement is still lingering in the air and the dry heat inside the apartment is an odd combination that causes my sinuses to ache like crazy = Solution, go out more often.
I have an exam to write for tomorrow evening's class, Sadly, I am not allowed to take the text books home with me, company policy I think. Weighing it up, I have come to the conclusion that some of these students are my favourite, a joy to teach. But after next Friday this class will be finished and a new on will begin - (well I ain't holding my breath, they are SO disorganised here, I could be waiting 2 weeks.)
I was sick last Friday, now if anyone out there knows me, they know I am quite proud of the fact that I shun sick days and get on with getting on. But Friday's illness found me sitting across the expensive dining table in the tastefully decorated apartment of one quite famous student. As we were revising adverbs and tenses in sentences I suddenly had the strong urge to vomit, you know - the immediate projectile type that surprises you. Controlling that and rushing to the bathroom I composed myself but after several minutes I declared defeat against the fever the dizziness and the weakness and bid my student good bye. I called my boss, the priestess of compassion (sarcasm) and I made my way slowly home, thinking about the other 3 classes I had that day and wondering if they could be covered by other teachers or students called and cancelled on. I felt more guilty about that than anything else.
The weather is changing here and I need to pay more attention to what is happening around me rather then focusing on teaching.
Good news tho! The American teacher that came after me has quit. This spineless and prissy portrayal of a seasoned professor of English has been undone. He quit because the temporary accommodation, (a tiny room in an apartment of a baboshka who locked in out daily until 9pm) close to work was to be replaced at the end of the month with a warm and cosy apartment to share with another teacher 4 minutes walk from my house. He believed he had been through the ringer and the fact he had to move, not the fact that it was supremely better than his current situation was the excuse he used. I hated that pathetic excuse for a man, though I hide it for professional reasons of course. Well he didn't like me or anyone for that matter and because I was sick Friday he was asked to cover one of my classes, which he refused far too quickly, because as the contract states, if you refuse work when you are under you contracted quota you forfeit a weeks pay... So the fact that I wanted to break every bone in his body for the betrayal I felt was sated in a way by imagining the look on his face when he discovered the result of his arrogance.
A fellow teacher that Obi was in training with may be in need of a job as his contract and situation in a country close by is decaying at an alarming rate. So I put 2 and 2 together and suggested he apply quickly for the role recently vacated by that vacious vain professor.
Obi welcomes you to the Thunder Dome - two men enter, one man leaves.


Blogger raindog71 said...

Aww sweetie, I hope you're feeling a bit better. Good to hear that a familliar face might make things a bit more bearable..good luck with the recruit!

11:03 pm  

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