Thursday, August 07, 2008

Missing An English Perspective

There is a certain girl I knew whose perspective on things and creative reality I miss today. Well, lets be honest now, I miss it every day since I met her and she walked out of my life like a staged queue of a scene in a play... Very Audrey Hepburn...
Makes no difference what I say now, opportunities lost and memories lanes never trod and all that...
lyrics come to mind....
You're not the first to think that everything has been thought before
I spoke to an echo and he said 'I’m not satisfied, I want something more
cos I am bored with three dimensions
I’m in love with three dimensions and if I listen to the seconds
reminds me of echolalia
But tonight I think of a song that spins in my head like the beer and thoughts of the stressful day tomorrow. I have to teach a first class of a group I will have all year so first impressions count.... aaaaand the book I am supposed to use has vanished and I cannot find it. This if becoming fucking hopeless and I am really annoyed with a company that can't control teachers that have school books and take them home and are too apathetic to bring them back.
The new teacher (miss - "I have a huge chip on my shoulder and expect everything") has not been scene for days, had (fake) food poisoning and missed a whole day of work that was offset to the rest of us. THEN smsed me and asked me for a book from school and expected me to drop what I was doing and hand delivery it to her (sick bed) lazy ass...
She is a pathetic excuse for a human. I reallly hope she leaves soon.
Friday tomorrow and I feel so weird coz I had a day in hospital for the endoscopy.
Obi really out of sync.
PS - thanks to my Dad for sitting down and typing out an email to me, it has been a while and I was in shock and grateful to recieve its wisdom.


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