Monday, January 07, 2008


Why stay here in Poland? I have just on finished my contract and I am sick and tired of the snow here. In fact I am sick and tired of everything this week. I would have gone for a drive if my car wasn't frozen. Payday is this week and I will be happy to see some cash.
Some people have been complaining that I am hard to contact, these people have my MSN and my ICQ numbers and can easily leave messages online for me. Email is the best way.
My laptop has audio problems and it does not allow me to send and recieve Skype messages at the moment. If I could find someone that would fix my computer that way I want it then it would have been done ages ago, but computer technician here are just too... I dunno.
Most things to organise are a pain in the ass, like making appointments, I cant get the girls in the office to do much for me, as they are over worked. I even need to go to the dentist and I cant find someone to recommend a good one in town. I can't even get people to do stuff for me for money...
I need to get my car to the mechanic and to do that I have to get it to start... a vicious circle. My contract is up in 2 weeks, so it is all or nothing. Siiigh - Obi has insomnia...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like your heart isnt NOT in poland luvvy. If you arent happy - move on.

4:41 am  

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