Thursday, January 03, 2008

...but is she a good hairdresser??...

A few months back I asked a friend of mine whether he could recommend a good hairdresser. I had had a few nasty encounters with the cruelest cut in the town. I even ask my dear old dad when he visited would cut my hair properly, he is a retired barber, and even my mum was a hairdresser, so you see it is in my blood so to speak.
"So Kzysztof. Can you recommend any hairdresser in town?", I ask.
"Oh yes I can... (the directions to the salon).", he replied
"So is she good?" I ask.
"Oh yes she is very beautiful!....", he answered confidently.
"eh, okay, but is she a good hairdresser?", I ask again...
"...hmmm I dunno..."
I asked another 3 times until he came up with a different answer.
"So is she a good hairdresser?". I ask...
"Yes I think so, she is my cousin...",
I rolled my eyes and whinced and asked the obvious...
"Does she cut your hair?", I ask
"No, my mum cuts mine...", he said matter of factly - ( and it showed)

So the moral of this story kids is don't ask a deaf guy his music preference, he will say "anything, but play it loud!"
I did find a good hairdresser and she is gorgeous.... AND cuts hair very well. I saw her today and got a beard trim - FOR FREE! So I am happy!


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