Monday, October 15, 2007

Beginnings & Endings

It has been a long time since I blogged, usually the motto - I bloggeth therefore I am - is the norm for me, but I have been busy lately.
Bought a car today, I am rather pleased. one of my students, the rather canny Chris came with me and kicked the tyres and talked turkey with the salesman, So I am confident that I have a good deal and a car in good condition for the price I am paying, I collect it on Friday. I will be a goooooood weekend I can tell you!
I am settling down into my new hours and in fact there are casualties, some of the students have dropped out and decided it was all too hard, though some have quit and others just didn't want to sign the stupid contract with their HR manager bonding them to the company for at least 2 years because of the free English training the company was providing. So all in all I am not to blame.
I over prepared for the course and I have moooore than enough material to keep it running, I have some great students and more importantly, they are actually interested in learning! I have another 9 months on this contract and I am happy.
Farewell to an important person. I must add that people come and go in our lives but they are there for a reason... and sometimes only a season. I will be sad to say goodbye but friendship is a 2 way street and this person just doesn't get that.
I have to make plans for my driving trip to Germany next month, I have organised 4 daze off and I will be puttering around in my new wheels...
Obi-lisk of da fuuuuuchaaaa~!


Blogger mariah said...

A car! How exciting! Have a good weekend. I'm on my way to Portland this weekend for a wedding. Hey! I think I found Nathan Parker on friendster . . . just in case you haven't found him yet.

11:47 pm  

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