Friday, December 15, 2006

...the lovely Tamara...

I was asked today for the address of my blog site from one of the newer admin staff. She is an angel and after all the crap I have had to put up with, it is people like her and her husband that make it all worthwhile. In fact I teach her english and she is a joy to teach.
She is at an elementary level of english but she she consumes language and vocabulary like a hungry child. It is great to hear a student putting all the vocabulary and grammar together at the end of a class, it means you have done a good job.
Today I had to rush across the city in rush hour to an interview with a nice Kiwi ADOS and a amiable Englishman principal. I have 3 job offers now and I don't know which one to pick, they all have positive attributes and a good reason to go, but I dunno which to choose.
Serbia with its nice quiet northern town supporting a family run business and learning how to express grammar better.
Poland, a job that is EU funded and teaching business to Poles, hungry to get ahead in the business world. A great wage, living alone and close to Germany...
Russia, The job i was offered today and seems okay, but more like a backpackers with legs that anything else, Baba Yaga would not be pleased with the competition.
So I dunno what to do...
Abandon my new found solidly reliable friends like the Skipper and Delboy for newer greener and unknown pastures, or stick it out and use the 8 months on my visa that I have left... Mind you, I was offered private lessons for a TV celebrity today and I am expected to charged a fortune, in fact my whole wage for the month under the salary I have now... But would the new moscow job allow me time to teach privately?? Unlikely...
So there it is...
Obi is in a fix.... Wanna know something funny?? The bitch that fired me never spoke to me until after the deed she had others do, and with a smile on her face this week she said actually spoke to me for the first time and said, are you coming to the christmas party??? - Yeah bitch I am gonna drink all your beer and eat your food and then vommit on your table...
Up yours bitch! I am employable regardless of what you made me think...
Obi - able to leap tall aspersions in a single bound.


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