Monday, November 13, 2006

Hypertension — сильно повышенное давление

Obi has had a blinding headache for the last five days and at 5am monday morning I was woken by the blinding pressure of a terrible headache and palpitations.
8.30 came and I called the one person at work that could advice me, she suggested I called the company provided health insurance company for advice on a doctor. I thought they would advise me of someone to see close to home and that is it... No.
The insurance company advised me they had a doctor coming around to my house within the house. Now that sort of service is so unrussian. So I waited and sure enough a man came to the door, he had on an emergency ambulance jacket and as I opened the door wider I saw the nurse and the driver similarly dressed. Now I was expectionally embarrassed that a low key doctor visit warranted a paramedic ambulance and a cast of 10,000.
Before they arrived I had done the smart thing of listing my symptoms and translating them thru a website. The doctor, a nice fellow with no english checked me out and then I called my wonderful co worker for a translation. didn't really get any information but I got an injection and a sedative and was told to rest up for the day. This I did with mixed feelings, I wanted to work, after all that is what I am here for, but the blinding headache fatigue and other symptoms encouraged me not to feel so bad about it... The nice sedative kicked in and I fell asleep, where I remained most of the day.
I need to get some serious medication for this or I am gonna 'splode in one way or another, none of them good. The herbal calmatives I tool didn't help, nor the beer, so now I am open to suggestions as to what can revieve this stress induced hypertensive situation... All I think I need is a little dose of sunshine and I won't being that for a while yet...
Obi go POP!
I - Obi...