Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday again

Day light savings took affect as of 2am and now I am just that little more confused. Its okay, its my lifestyle. I'm rarely told information about anything so the difference here is semantic.

A big week, filled with rocketing hopes of happiness only to be skuttled by the strangulation of apron strings and black mail. I feel so sorry for this person. The world is out there and waiting with happiness freedom and joy beyond imagining, but fear will quell the noblest of hearts and the most angelic of love...

The Full moon Friday saw me out in full force! The power of the moon and the lunacy that it brings gave me rare energy and I had a big night that ended at 2am. I hit the best restaurant in town with a colleague to meet and chat about the course we share at a company. After a damn nice meal and a bottle of wine we went to the best bar in town where friends of mine were waiting and we laughed and carried on and had a ball.

October is at an end, astrologically and throughout my personal history, October has been a month of stark change. I see it already many new happy beginnings but I hope no sad endings. I am not angry, I am disappointed but - that happens...
Obi is sending some scissors to help cut some strings...


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