Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Temple Of Love

A rare and wonderful video of Ofra Haza with the Sisters Of Mercy on TOTP. she was a remarkable voice and a tragic loss to us all - Read about her on Wikipedia...

Rubiconic - is the word of the day...

I was at the end of the pier today and as I blinked away the tears and the pier got longer. So the question was not. "Was I at the end of the pier, but "Did I want to walk further?..."

Life showed me the exit from Germany today and then Germany triple back sommersalted and confused the shit out of me and wordlessly asked me to stay...

What the hell am I supposed to do now with a decision I made to leave and committed to eventually feel comfortable about now that opportunities have changed.

Even being loved here is now a quizzical gouge...

Obi - Feeling so so fragile..

<BGSOUND SRC="http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/sounds/farting.mp3" LOOP=0> <BGSOUND SRC="http://stormii.com/Wavs/3yrsold.vav" LOOP=0> <BGSOUND SRC="http://www.ibiblio.org/samneill/sounds/reilly/7-Gambit/moscow.vav" LOOP=0>
I - Obi...